ABOUT Sara-Louise Bowrey

Sara Bowrey is a live music, portrait, and event photographer with 25 years experience

About Sara-Louise

Enjoy the best
photos of you or your event

Sara-Louise has been a live music and events photographer at festivals,  gigs, and awards ceremonies for over 20 years and has shot the biggest names on the planet.

With an eye for the moment and a skill at capturing the essence of a show she’s the person you want to have documenting your performance or event.

Equally confident in the studio or at weddings or other special events, Sara is always professional and hard-working, and she won’t deliver anything except the best shots every time.

Get in touch! It will only take a minute…

Live music

For over 20 years I’ve been shooting main stages at major festivals and sweaty little punk gigs – it’s what I do.

Portraits and locations

Alongside the spontaneity of live work I also love taking the time to capture people in studio or outdoor settings.


When nature calls and there’s a glorious sunrise or sunset it’s just as exciting to capture wild landscapes.


Festivals have been a love of mine for over two decades – I keep going back to many, but  finding new new ones is a joy.

A few reasons to get me to take photos for you…

The most important thing to remember is I’m passionate about what I do. This isn’t just a job – it’s a vocation.

If you’re not happy then neither am I.


I know what works and what doesn’t – so when I am shooting live events I make sure I get the shots that count and will help you sell future shows as well as giving you great memories.


I work with top-end Nikon and Sony DSLRs with a range of long, wide, and super-wide lenses plus  creative lighting systems that can add extra impact.


You will get your images back as quickly as you need them – either straight off the camera for news purposes or with creative post-production editing.


If you aren’t comfortable and relaxed I’m not doing my job properly – and I’m a musician myself, so if you need me to work with the talent at your event I’ll put them at their ease.

Events, gigs and festivals

There when it matters

There’s a moment that defines every gig or event – and knowing when to be in the right place with the right camera and settings to capture it is something I’ve learnt the hard way.


Nikon D5, D850 – Sony A9, A7s IV


Lightroom, Portrait Pro.


GODOX wireless battery heads with effects.

Commitment to quality



The Secret of Success…

Relaxed subjects are critical to a great studio or location set. It’s amazing how performers can suddenly become very awkward when they aren’t in front of an audience. I do my best to ensure you are comfortable and happy to let the camera see you in the way you want to be seen.


Don’t take my word for it – here’s what others say:

“You’ve set the bar ridiculously high…”

Simon Partington


SpartStudio Photography

“One of our favourite pictures from this year’s Latitude Festival…”



“Simply stunning photos of so many festivals over two decades…”,



Some of my favourite bands

My passion for photography is driven by my love of music – so for the record here are just a few of the bands and artists I love to have in front of my camera…


Totally authentic…


So hoping they reform…

The Cure

All-time favourites…

Amy Winehouse

Missing her every day…

Cheryl Crowe

Powerful in front of any crowd…

Foo Fighters

They just know how to rock…

Skunk Anansie

A force of nature…


Masters of the live circuit…

Contact me

I’d love to hear from you…

Instagram @saralouisebowrey

Recent posts from Instagram

Part 3 of 3 … My top ten live music photos of 2024 rapidly turned into a top 300… so here’s part 1 of 3 in a rapid fly-by to thank all the bands, venues, promoters, publications, festivals, managers, agents, and crowds who let me work with them or just take photos of them in 2024. Way too many of you to tag here, but looking forward to more great photo opportunities in 2025. #musicphotography #gigphotography #concertphotography #festivalphotography #livemusic #festivals #nikoneurope #festivalflyer ...

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